
Bios, blogs, posts, tweets, and more. Our services might be varied, but they all come with the same promise of quality, dedication, and creativity. We are experienced social media and marketing coordinators with knowledge acquired over years. We will manage your social media platforms while engaging your audiences the best way possible.



We Provide

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Website Design

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Google Ads

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Digital Advertising

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Promotional Email Marketing

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Media Training

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Social Media Management

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Content Creation

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Graphic Design

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SEO Optimization

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Analytic Tracking

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Planning Services

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Brand Development

Starr Social has been a WONDERFUL addition to my business! As an agent, I struggle to navigate my multiple social media platforms. When your business is to sell, you’re out selling and NOT in front of your computer marketing! Balancing work and home life is challenging, and finding the opportunity to post frequently on social media is difficult. It’s a big decision to allow someone to join your social media platforms and “take over”- however it has been the best business decision I have made! Abigail and her staff are extremely hard working, posting social media around the clock- nights, weekends, holidays- any day they feel it’s time, they do it. They learn not only about you professionally, but they take their time learning about you on a personal level, allowing them to customize your social media perfectly. Their postings engage my viewers, have increased my followers, and have become quite a daily conversation piece with my clients and friends. My sphere has 100 percent noticed a significant change in my media platforms, and I only have Starr Social to thank for it! Happy one-year anniversary, Starr Social! You are the best!
For those of you that are struggling with a business presence on social media, I want to recommend, Abigail Fisher, the owner of Starr Social.
As one of my New Year’s beginnings, I decided to talk with Abigail. I kept thinking “I can do this” but... truth be told I did a sorry job at it. She had some really great posts, I was pleased right away. She is professional, has great suggestions, and just takes the lead. I highly recommend her and her company.
— Patti Ellis

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